Youth theatre and the RSC’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
200 school children took over the Marlowe Theatre to perform as part of a linked project with a youth theatre and the RSC’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Their performance was the culmination of three years of work between the children, teachers, the Marlowe Theatre’s learning and participation staff, and the Royal Shakespeare Company.
The young actors – from nine schools local to Canterbury – have been working with the RSC as part of their Learning and Performance Network, on a project called The Dream: Met By Moonlight. Designed to link to the RSC’s tour of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Each school performed a scene from the play, using the original text but making their own creative choices. Students also worked on the set design, props and stage management of the show.
The Marlowe Theatre’s Head Of Creative Projects, Andy Dawson, praised the “passion and dedication” shown by all the students, teachers and staff involved: “Their work throughout the LPN has been exceptional and Monday was fitting evidence of their tireless creativity.”